
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


According to The Newspaceman, "Abide With Me" (sung by Scottish singer Emeli Sande) has been played/sung "every Football Association cup final since 1927". 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Pre-Olympic sarcophagus

Just found this and it's important:
This matches up nicely with the sarcophagus on Madonna's platform at the Super Bowl halftime:

Mike Oldfield talks baby secrets

 “Then there’s the section at the end where this baby grows out of the centre of the stadium,” he explains, wide-eyed.

"And there are all these people running around unveiling this… thing,” he continues. “And the very end section is a brand new piece, which is basically a piano and a big bell crescendo, and the lights come up and this giant baby which is supposed to represent the Olympic spirit grows out of the centre of the stadium and it ends with a big crash and lights.”  - Mike Oldfield

The Olympic spirit is Zeus.


On December 21, 2012, the sun will be in Sagittarius...

The missing Prospero

Where did the 80 foot tall Prospero statue go?  If it was there, it was never shown on the BBC.

An old rabbit (demon) trail and James Holmes

At Grammy Awards before "levitating"
Comet HOLMES occulting ALGOL in Perseus (January 22, 2008)
As pointed out by Goro Adachi Ra's Al Ghul is very similar to Algol
On January 22, 2008, Comet HOLMES occulted the eye of Medusa and Heath Ledger (the Joker in the original DARK KNIGHT) died same day
Did anyone notice before that Algol, the "demon star" is marked on her dress?  It's not just Medusa, it's Medusa in the constellation Perseus!
She "levitates" (is demonically possessed)

James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, Heath Ledger (the other Joker) and Minaj all seem to be ritualistically related.


Follow along...

Super Bowl (Sarcophagus)

Whitney Houston's funeral (Sarcophagus)
2012 London Open Ceremonies (Mummy)