
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11-11-11/Arthur Christmas tidbits, Part I

The 107th World Series ended last week.  The St. Louis Cardinals won their 11th Series title; their mantra was 11 in '11 - that is their 11th title in 2011.

The World Series logo reminds me of Kate Middleton's crest as both seem to have Oak leaves.

Not to say they are connected unless one thinks of the movies coming out 11-11-11.  Of course one of those films is Arthur Christmas.

By no coincidence, Arthur is the middle name of Kate's husband, the Prince William.  While the character in the Arthur Christmas film does not resemble Prince William in the least, there is more to the appearance than looks; or one should not judge a book by it's cover.

The king wears a crown.

And by no coincidence is it that the film, Arthur Christmas opens in the UK on 11-11-11.

And by no coincidence is it that William is identified so strongly with the numbers 1111, even before the film was ever known about.

For the New Age is his time. He will represent the new age, the age of Aquarius.  The "time after Christ" is what the new age is.  It's the procession of Pisces (the sign of Christ) to Aquarius.

Aquarius is of course by no coincidence, the 11th astrological sign.

However, while 11-11-11 does point to King Arthur/William and Arthur as the antichrist (Arthur Christmas), what is much more interesting is 2012 and the things that it holds as far as a new age.  And I will be posting about that very soon.

There seems to be several clues as to why Arthur is William.  For starters there is the crown that Arthur wears (see above large photo) and another is the movie poster here on the right.

There are several clues here.  First of all, what you see here is not some random "photograph" of the characters but rather, they are made up as a Christmas tree.  Arthur, above even Santa (satan) is at the top of the tree and is the STAR, in more than one aspect.

The star represents all kinds of things:

For one thing, it represents the STAR over Bethlehem that pointed to where the baby king (Jesus) was.  Thus, this star (Arthur's head) tells us that he's the king, or perhaps even the new king (new age) if you will.

For another thing, the star represents man.  Man is flesh and below God.  Man = sin.

For another thing, Arthur is the STAR of the movie.

For yet another, notice the shadow on the ground in front of the characters.  The people in the "photo", are eclipsing, or hiding the sun.  Prince William was born on the Summer Solstice on the same day and just after a solar eclipse.

Prince William CAN'T be the antichrist.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.   It's impossible.  (Notice, the sign creates another solar eclipse.)

 And doesn't the christmas tree on the sign look like the top of a capitol building?  That is, of course, the sign of legislative power and authority.

Another solar eclipse



  1. Looking forward to part 11

  2. same baphomet sign made by Alvin (and the chipmunks)
