
Sunday, November 6, 2011

2012 Olympic logo, Part I

Rotated 8 times on top of each other...
It produces a "grey" alien figure at the top...
Or maybe it's a cowboy - say, the "ghost" of "Billy the Kid?"  William of Wales used to be also known as "Billy the Kid."


  1. I'm embarrassed to watch this logo when my kids are around.. all I can see is a kid performing fellatio

  2. I see what you mean. I'm curious though if you see what I have shown about the crowning?

    After all, the original logo (which is the one presented above) the "2012" is a cross between scarlet and purple.

  3. yes definitely, the position of the Olympic circles remind me of a crown, as does the shape of the stadium. But the grey alien.. not so much. It rather brings to mind some royal insignia

    p.s. man, that image is obscene!

  4. It's "funny" as I have never seen the image as being Bart/Lisa. Yes, I see it after it was pointed out; what I have always seen is someone kneeling and taking a crown.

  5. A skull wearing a smoky the bear hat. Butterfly shape, a symbol for transformation, A butterfly named Osiris Smoky Blue. The crossbones below the skull. Could be the Orion constellation said to be Osiris or Nimrod. Lord of the rings. 4 kings and one king is missing. Rev 17:11 one that was, is not, and is.
