
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2012, the white horse and the Angel of the South

The Angel of the South statue, built specifically for 2012, just outside of London

Just a coincidence the horse is 33 times larger than a real horse?

The 'Angel of the South' could be a euphemism for "fallen angel", couldn't it?

The Statue of Liberty is of course, Isis/Diana - or William's mother.  2012 and Diana seem to be forever linked.

Although he didn't, there were rumors that Prince William would arrive at Westminister Abbey/his wedding on a white horse
"Coincidentally," white horse figures on hills are common all over England.  Can't help but think of William Blake's Jerusalem poem whenever I see one of these horses.

Christ and the antichrist are both seen Biblically featured "coming to the rescue" on a white horse.

The Angel of the North statue, looks like a "contemporary angel" and is - guess what - 66 feet tall.


  1. I also think that the white horse being placed near the electricity pylon is not accidental. Check how the wires seem to literally end inside the horse. Must be something with the horse and electricity...
    I heard scientists are working hard to implement wireless electricity. Don't know if it has anything to do with the horse but it's weird.

  2. Also electricity = power (ie power lines)

  3. Check out the red horse-Movie War Horse set in England during ww1:

    Horse is named Joey (Joseph) hmmm... coming out on Christmas day. Owner's name is Albert-the name of Queen Victoria's German husband?
    At 1:03 the license says L-2011.... puts it in our time frame
    Words:’be brave 3x’ prep for WW3?

  4. Nice! LINK Just read that you know who will be in attendance at the premier.

  5. Let's see, we have the giant white horse of london and the giant blue mustang of denver, two down, two to go.
