
Friday, November 4, 2011

Days of Noe


  1. it seems we are on the same page bro. I was also spooked by the news of the ark at the time. Heavy symbols here: a few will be saved? A new Noe/savior will rise? Big catastrophe?

  2. Well...I think the DAYS OF NOAH are about many things: nephilim/ufos, people becoming lawless, reckless, not believing in the truth presented to them, etc.

    The reason God sent the flood was the wipe out the unpure man or the Jesus bloodline would have been messed up with unpure nephilim blood.

    Remember, Noah was PURE - ie., his bloodline was pure.

    One only has to go to youtube and see 100000 videos about nephilim everywhere. And God only knows what they are doing, who they are abducting, etc.

  3. sorry, as an informed Christian I don't believe in 'neplilim'. God sent the flood to punish the humans for their sins (as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah) and also to destroy the monsters that were starting to take over humanity. And yes, Noah was pure but one of his sons (Ham) had already married into one of Cain's descendants. That's how the evil continued even after the flood. There were no aliens, just Cain's (criminal) descendants who invented all the bad stuff: war, cruelty, flesh eating etc. and who, for their sins, bore monsters (giants, cyclops, etc.) The rest is SF

  4. P.S. Today's 'nephilim' are devils. They can materialize in any form we prefer depending on our perception of the unknown and the historical period. Two thousand years ago they posed as dragons and red horned beings. Now they are 'aliens' and 'nephilim' as we have become more 'scientific'

  5. I'll agree with you.

    I'm giving something away here and getting ahead of myself... but I'll say I think the nephilim/ufo mess is all a part of the "great deception." I do think the antichrist is going to show all signs and wonders and say, "Hey, I'm an alien. And THEY are all aliens. And you all aliens."

    I honestly believe "the days of Noah" is a multi-faceted connotation, the least which seems to be that the extra-dimensional are becoming more involved in our dimension.

    Although I don't quite understand how it works nor do I pretend to -- but having been not only an eyewitness to several craft but also having a very close encounter (within 3'-5' close) I can attest to the "supernatural" nature of _whatever_ it is that is out there.

    There are many Christians who deny the Bible itself when in the Greek the "nephyl" is used in Genesis.

    Let's just hope they open up their eyes and are not deceived.

  6. Did you cut out the first part of my post? The one before the P.S? It's ok if you did, it's your blog but I just need to know.

    I totally agree with you when you say nephilim (understood correctly as giants) existed before the flood. It is my understanding they were monsters born out of the forbidden unions between the sons of Seth and those of Cain's. (I really don't know why people can't grasp the idea that humans can bear monsters: even today, forbidden unions like incest produce monsters). But I totally reject Icke's and Stichin's kind of nephilim as some half human- half alien hybrids. That's bs. Bottom line is demons can't breed let alone mix with humans. If the could it'd mean angels can breed and mix with humans too.. Whoever goes in that direction will get lost in a maze of phantasmagorical and contradictory ideas which in the end will lead them in the middle of the pagan pantheistic system of beliefs, which is exactly where the cabal wants them to be. Because once you admit that demons and angels can breed, you basically admit their gods exist.
    I also think the great deception will involve 'aliens' and ufos.. It's gonna happen man; it's gonna happen soon.

  7. No, I have no control over what you post - I can only accept it or reject and then it gets posted. So it must have been some kind of Blogger glitch.

    Those were not demons that had sex with woman. You totally have the wrong entity.

    The Bible says in Genesis 6:2...

    That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    The "sons of God" are not demons.

    The sons of God are a much higher up the chain of command; as a matter of fact, I'll say they are the entities just below satan.

    How do I know this?

    Because in the book of Job (Job 1:6), it says:

    Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.

    They had the power and the authority to come before God and ask permission to try and destroy Job!

    It doesn't say, Satan and his hoard of demons. It says the SONS OF GOD CAME and satan was there too.

    These were/are not demons. A totally different, much more powerful entitiy.

  8. I don't want to open/continue this polemic because this is not the main subject of your blog. But be careful what you believe. If you admit there are other entities out there you're half into their trap.
    Sons of God = humans who listened to God and observed his laws and commandments, the beloved of God, in the same way Christians are. Jesus Christ was called the Son of God and he was human too.
    sons of men = humans who didn't listen to God but were still humans. Jesus Christ was also called Son of Man. Both sons of God and sons of man were humans, the name difference reflects their relation with God.

  9. I don't mind discussing this as long as it's civil...and I thank you for your comments.

    Do you not believe in archangels and the other realms and classifications of angels? Some angels in the Bible have different abilities and hierarchy.

    The "one third of stars" Lucifer took with him obviously were not just the lower class of angel. I believe he could have taken 33% from every area of the realm - although that's only speculation on my part.

    And I might add that Lucifer was not a lower class angel either. As a matter of fact, he was #1 angel in heaven before the rebellion.

    So if he was #2, doesn't that there is a #3, #4 - in other words, a *class* and *heierachy* of angels?

    One only need a Hebrew dictionary to understand there are different classes of angels/demonic entities.

  10. I happen to know a lot about angels. There are 9 orders of angels organized in three groups of three. Starting form the closest to God there are the Cherubim, the Seraphim and the Thrones (first group) then the Dominions, the Virtues and the Powers (second group) and finally closest to humans in descending order are the Principalities (or Rulers), the Archangels and the Angels. It is still open to debate whether satan, aka the devil/lucifer/abbadon/appollyon/beelzebub/belial/bel etc. was a Power or a Cherubim. Either way he was and still is very powerful. Yet he is an angel in nature therefore he cannot breed. There are a lot of other demonic entities under his rule out there, very powerful and frightening but fortunately for us, providentially even, God didn't give them the power to procreate. Besides that they are spirit and we are matter, and spirit and matter don't mix. Of course we have a spiritual component too but it's not that one which bears our children, it's our material one who does that. Demons can, of course, materialize BUT not anytime or anywhere. They must be summoned by humans in order to be allowed to do so. And this is exactly what our devil worshiper leaders are doing! They say religion is obsolete, they praise a secular society where science rules, yet they secretly worship and summon the devil! I'm afraid that the chemtrail thingy, the HAARP and the Hadron Collider are all meant to help the demons corporealize. I think they are tools specifically designed to produce a better environment for them.. That's why I have no doubt we're gonna have an 'alien' invasion; in the end the demons will be given the means and power to appear to us. This was foreseen some two thousands years ago in the Book of Revelation and many other prophecies.

  11. The Bible specifically states that the angels IN HEAVEN cannot breed. It doesn't say the angels who were thrown out of heaven can't breed.

  12. No it doesn't. But it doesn't say they can breed either. What we know for sure is that humans could breed BEFORE the fall (most probably not in a sexual way) which it is not known to be true about the angels. The capacity to procreate was a blessing given by God to the humans as soon as they were created: "And God blessed them, and God said unto them: Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it" (Genesis 1:28). This is definitely NOT a curse. Why would the demons be given this gift as a result of their fall?

  13. Why would God send a flood to destroy all the inhabitants on earth (except Noah's family, whose bloodline was the only pure one left on earth) if this is the case?

    The flood was sent to destroy the manipulated bloodline of the nephylm.

  14. For the same reason He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah: because the sin was so widespread that the world became beyond 'repair'. There also there was only one surviving family, the family of Lot. This is also the reason why this civilization and the whole world will be destroyed too.
    The end of the world will be the second flood which will destroy (by fire this time) the filth that has spread again beyond control.
    Spiritually the flood anticipated the baptism with water (as St. John the Baptist baptized BEFORE Christ) while the fire represents the second baptism with 'the Holy Spirit and with fire" (Matthew 3:11) AFTER Jesus Christ's resurrection.

  15. First off, Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because it was a product of sin.

    Secondly, you have never addressed the fact that satan went to haven to speak to God about Job along with the sons of man; these obviously weren't MEN they were WITH satan IN HEAVEN (No man has seen God at any time...) - the sons of man were obviously some sort of angelic being, probably just below satan in rank.

  16. According to King James Bible and my bible (I'm Orthodox Christian) there's no mention of the sons of man coming with satan. In my bible it is said that the angels presented themselves in front of God when satan arrived and in King James Bible it is written that 'the sons of God' presented themselves in front of God when satan came along.
    Check Job 1:6 and 2:1 in King James Bible
    I am aware there are multiple versions of the Bible but I stick with the old ones, the ones produced BEFORE everything became relative

    P.s. Sodom and Gomorrah were not the product of sin. They were two big cities of the ancient world where sexual perversions like sodomy, pedophilia and zoophilia were commonly and openly practiced. The same aberrations our society indulges in today and which beckon the same outcome.

  17. re: sodom and Gomorrah - we're agreeing but using different nomeclature

    re: sons of man, forget KJV - look it up in the hebrew - the word mean NEPHILIM. How much clearer do you want it?

  18. sorry I don't know Hebrew but even if I did, I trust more the translation of the faithful than the interpretation of the unfaithful. It was this kind of interpretations that led the Jews to kill Jesus.

    No hard feelings but for me this issue is as clear as daylight and I choose to stick to what the elders of the universal church teach as they are far more trustworthy than modern days speculators. Not to mention we were warned about weird interpretations of the Bible some two thousands years ago:
    " For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
    2Timothy 4:3-4
    Also "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall (...) led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
    2Timothy 3:1-7
    And "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned".

  19. Not talking about the translation of the Hebrew people but the translation of the Hebrew language - ie. a Biblical concordance.

    And sorry friend, I don't mean this as an insult to you, but calling the heads of the Universal church "trustworthy" is brainless.

  20. I wasn't talking abut the heads of church. I said the elders of the Universal Church, as in the Fathers and the founders of the Church: the Apostles and the Saints. I don't think anyone in their right mind could find any similarities between lives and teachings of a Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom or St. Gregory the Theologian and people like Stichin, Ickes or the 'enlightened' pastors of today.
    And no, the Catholic church is NOT the universal church it is merely a dead branch as are the the myriad of little churches that sprung after the schism as the mushrooms after the rain. The Universal Church is the one that existed undivided for 1000 years before heresy crept in and had to split to cut the gangrene out..

  21. Hello friend.
    Just to make something clear, I am referring to the "giants" as nephil and not the sons of man - I actually wrote something else the last 2 days but that was my mind pulling a fast one on me. Sorry for any confusion. That's not what I believe. Why I wrote that, I have no idea.

    As far as Icke, Sichin etc, you don't think me stupid enough to follow their teachings do you? Although I am familiar with their teachings, none of it (or almost none of it) is based on the Bible.

    However, having said that, it's very hard to find any kind of prophecy teacher these days that isn't fully aware of the alien deception and personally, I have not heard one that doesn't believe Genesis 6. And I have not heard one that doesn't believe the nephilim story.

  22. 'As far as Icke, Sichin etc, you don't think me stupid enough to follow their teachings do you? Although I am familiar with their teachings, none of it (or almost none of it) is based on the Bible.'

    Big sigh of relief here.. There was no possible way I could know that until you told me.
    As for the nephilim it's ok, I am aware a lot a people today believe exactly what you believe. In the end it might not even matter whether they are 100% demons or 50-50% demon-humans or a completely different kind of evil as long as one is fully aware of the huge deception that awaits us. Bottom line is they are evil and they will try to scare the 'sh..' out of people to push them into submission. A lot of us will fall. But then again a lot of us will prevail.. Hope and pray we'll be among the latter.

  23. I think you hit the nail on the head. Does it really matter to us as Christians as to what the coming deception is or isn't.

    Aliens/demons/sons of man etc, really shouldn't matter in the end. We should be wise enough not to fall for whatever it is.

    I honestly think I have a picture of what is coming; it may not be 100% right but I think it's at least 90% right. It may not be Prince William but it is certainly set up to be him. Satan has no idea of the time more than you or do but I assume he's thinking along the lines of a+b=c.

    But in the end, it doesn't matter to me. My job is warn people of then enemy's deception and tell people that Christ is the only answer.
