
Monday, November 28, 2011

Lunar eclipse- Day of Kate Middleton's birth


  1. Very interesting!

    Although a brief note explaining the graph would be helpful, as I don't follow astronomy. Is the moon really occulted there? (I'm sure it is, it just doesn't look like it).

    It must be important that all of these are in Castor and Pollux (Gemini constellation). Do you know more about why it's in that constellation?
    It's interesting to note that they are twins, but Pollux is immortal and Castor is mortal.

    The twins are a type of Cain and Abel (Cain is said by occultists to be the son of Satan, and Abel is the son of God (of which Jesus is a type of Abel sacrificial figure). When you put Gemini in the context of NASA, you see that the astronaut Mark Kelly has a twin, Scott Kelly, that is also a current astronaut. And Mark Kelly's wife, Gabby Giffords, had a mortal head wound...


  2. Thank you for your comment:

    William was born under the Gemini sign, making it very important.

    'Twins' seem to be a major keywor (or is it keywordS;) I think the twins signal - don't get me wrong here - is the Christ-antichrist signal, the Venus-Morning Star signal, the Lex Luthor-Superman signal et al.

    Yes indeed, Cain and Abel. Brothers/twins etc.

    As far as the day of Kate's birth see slide sets 1 and 2

    As far as the Giffords - strange stuff - will leave it at that for now.

  3. "The twins are a type of Cain and Abel (Cain is said by occultists to be the son of Satan, and Abel is the son of God (of which Jesus is a type of Abel sacrificial figure)"

    Absolutely right and this also proves that the sons of men (or Cain's, or satan's) are indeed.. men! Cain was conceived immediately after and as the direct consequence of the sexual awakening in Adam and Eve by satan, therefore he was born out of betrayal (of God) and sin. Abel on the other hand was conceived after Adam and Eve, evicted from Heaven, repented and cried for years at the heavens' gates.. Abel was given to them as a consolation and a promise of a future redeemer (which will share a very similar fate as both Abel and Jesus were killed by Cain's offspring)

  4. haha here we go again...

    Satan is not the same entity as those of Genesis 6. There's no detailing satan except that he's a liar and murderer - ie - Cain.

    You can't tell me what satan is as far as angelic type, so how do you know? Satan is one of kind.

  5. "Satan is not the same entity as those of Genesis 6"

    What makes you say that?
    He may have many names but he is one evil being.

    P.S are you sure you want to go into this again? My comment was not intended as a provocation to you, it was merely my conclusion to anonymous's post. We certainly debated this long enough to know that neither you or I will change opinions on the matter :)
    All I want is peace but I don't mind a debate as long as it doesn't jeopardize peace.

  6. I don't mind discussing it, you have been more civil and fair. Is it fruitful? meh.

    I've already stated my position above.

  7. Why did she remove a birthmark from the side of her head? Creepy wonder what it wass
