
Friday, November 25, 2011

Olympic Curiosity

 Inside the article it says...

The landing of Curiosity is scheduled for August 6 of 2012, which will be right smack in the middle of London's Olympic games.  Many think the Olympic Games (or maybe moreso, the ritualistic opening and closing ceremonies) will be a curiosity.

As a matter of fact, I predict the ceremonies to be the biggest spectator event in history.  Certainly it will be full of rituals, participants, CGI and holograms and who knows what else?

Note that the Curiosity Rover "head" is comparable to Wenlock and Mandeville

This means something - but what, I'm not sure that I know:

Scheduled day Curiosity lands on Mars

Close up of the above


  1. You have an interesting website here!

    I think your focus on the Olympics and Prince William is spot on.

    Imo, 2012 forms a false apocalypse, with its own run down of the entire sequence of Biblical prophecies within 2012 itself, culminating on 12-25-12.

    On a conceptual level this idea is expressed in this brilliant website: I don't agree with everything there, but it's solid info.

    So, that said, if you look at the sequence of Revelations, one finds that there are 2 "cycles" of the Apocalypse, not quite 1 cycle = 3.5 years but close enough.

    These 2 cycles are present also in the false Satanic replication of Revelations.

    Simply put, there are 2 "Armageddon" events leading up to the real 1st Armageddon event on 12-21-12, each one progressively worse probably.
    The Abomination of desolation causes "sudden destruction" (Trumpets 1-4), followed by a false christ. These events occur 1290 days after a noted start point (Dan 12:11). Within 2012, Aug. 3rd, 2012 is the 1290th day after Obama was elected. This is the 1st false Armageddon and also functions as a Satanic replication of Seal 5, cry of the martyrs killed for His Namesake (the Olympic Zion logo is "God's namesake" that Iran is "mad at").

    9-17-12 is the Jewish "Judgment Day"/ Rosh Hashanah, 1335 days after 1-21-12.
    The 3rd Temple scripturally would be unveiled on Sept. 24-26, 2012. Ezekiel 40:1-2

    The 2nd "Armageddon" takes place on 11-10-12. 4-30-9 (Beltane) plus 1290 days is 11-10-12. Plus 1335 days is 12-25-12.

    Prince William renewed his Order of the Garter oath on June 15, 2009. Add 1290 = 12-26-12 Wednesday ("breaking the covenant in the middle of the week" after being "reborn" 12-25-12.)

    More details at: (3rd comment down)

    Just my 2 cents. Hope that gives a context to your Olympic thoughts.
    Keep up the good work, brother!

  2. Thanks for your comment. Your ideas are interesting. I would appreciate you chiming in with your ideas in the future!

  3. Like M for Madonna and the fish sign for Ichthus. A vesica pisces with fins.

    Ichthus, or the Fish, was one of the names of Bacchus." Bacchus was just one of the names for Tammuz, the Sun-deity.
