
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Watch November Skies?

Conjunction of Regulus/Mars = coup/assassination?
From The History of the Star Regulus


  1. "Remember, remember, the Fifth of November: the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot"

    V for Vendetta

  2. let's take a look into the numbers in 'V for Vendetta'
    - so v is also the number 5 in roman numerals
    - he calls for a revolution on November 5
    - he is the only survivor of an experiment which took place in a compound called "Batch 5".

  3. oops sorry, I forgot to mention the movie was released 5 years ago

  4. Anonymous - thanks for your comments. All these facts very well known.

  5. I have not seen the movie so facts are not so well known to everyone ( me anyway:)

    I wonder what Batch 5 represents? I guess I should watch the movie. sigh...

  6. It's not a movie. It's simply a song. The video (what little there is online as it's only a tease, provides no real clues. The title is the only clue I have seen.

    You can hear the song here.
