
Friday, December 2, 2011

Brief look at 2012 "coincidences"


  1. you forgot to mention we'll also have a second sun in 2012:

  2. Well we have known that Betelgeuse could explode - but it may happen any day - I don't think anyone is pointing at 2012. It may happen 1000 years from now.

    However, if it did happen, it would be a major sign of something.

  3. I don't really think it will happen when they want as nobody can control that. But they definitely have the means to fake it and use it in their advantage...

  4. If Betelgeuse explodes than the Unicorn can escape. It's corralled in the winter triangle with Betelgeuse as one of its corners and 2 dogs on the others.

    Deut 33:17 "His horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth, and they are the 10,000s of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh.

    Maybe it will explode at the time of Ephraim's comeback.
