
Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Christ" in the clouds


  1. "Lan" is a personal name, frequently used in Chinese and Vietnamese contexts as a feminine given name, which means "orchid."

    So we have one female because of the connection to a female name and the connection to the orchid which is a very female flower said to be the "Queen of Flowers".

    "Tam" is a common abbreviation used in Scotland for the name "Thomas". "Another abbreviation of "Thomas" is "Tommy" which is german slang for a British soldier. "Thomas" refers also to "Twin". Interesting is that the "Twin" addition is used in the Bible to identify or "mark" the "good" apostle as we have "Judas" and "Judas Thomas".

    Now when TAN and LAM merge which means create something new from something old (themselves) they are creating a new life. In front of Jesus the Saviour and Messiah it wants to tell us hat the new Messiah is created. NASA would say their small black (w)hole has a heartbeat now.

    We're being programmed with the same message over and over again in all different variations in the last days.



  2. Nice!

    No doubt we are hit over the head with this info over and over.

  3. Even the "Apple Tornado" on the street crossing is the same message written onto the map of England. The street crossing is a "joining". The apples fell onto where some apples were spilled along the joining. There's even a direct word conncetion if you follow the street along the vortex north. The Keresley Road (Google Maps)is part of the B4098 motorway. It starts at the Coventry City Center (somebody likes "C"s or "3"'s) and ends at a roundabout south of the city of "Kingsbury" where it merges into the A51. Direct word connection: Along the way the B4098 it is called "TAMworth Road". "Kingsbury" is the "place of cavity" or the uterus where the new king is buried (to grow). Look at the roundabout where the B4098 ends. It is the external orifice. There are trees planted in a sickle shape. See on Google Maps. You will find the sickle shape again in depiction of the female uterus.

    Coming back to the apples that fell from the sky. Well ... as everybody knows at the joining of two bodies entangled in sexual activity some of the fruit is spilled right? And what is an apple but the fruit of the tree that carries the seed inside it to multiple.



  4. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were "pulling my leg" (kidding me.)

    Now after reading this, something occurs to me as this morning I was reading about these ships called, "Blueseed" and Camelot" (see here.) And if I were to add them with the whole apple tornando bit (which by the way, though G Adachi did not mention it on his website, the "apple tornando" happened on a "Phi day" - at any rate, this may be worth digging into...

    Thanks for the heads up.

  5. No I am not making fun out of you. I didn't put all the possible meanings int he words - I just find them. And that "Blueseed" and "Camelot" news is brilliant :)

    After all you put all the pieces together that identifies the message of Phi-Day December 14th. This is a question I wanted to have answered but I didn't realize it until you wrote it (I read the article on Goros site and it nagged me but never made the connection to the apples). The apples rained down on Monday 12/12/2011 but were first reported on Wednesday 14/12/2011. After that Lovejoy "touched" the sun and escaped.

    So I think we could attach "conception" or "fertilization" to December 14th. If we take a secure sign of pregnancy measured from signals of the baby itself we should expect a confirmation within the next 4 weeks (well if we apply human rules ...)



  6. I didn't mean "making fun" but "tricking"... either way, no harm, no foul - don't want the language barrier to get us!

    Yeah, the Phi Day (Dec. 14) was the Mars orbital pentagram position, meaning a contact date, if I read it correctly. I think the previous pentagram (apple) contact position was the Death of Steve Jobs (Apple.)

    That pentagram positional chart is spooky.

    But Adachi did not mention the apple tornado on his blog... (shrug)

    Lovejoy's perceived death and resurrection was Dec. 15 (BTW, Lovejoy was not discovered until Dec. 2)

    Something's going on for sure!

  7. Oh one thing I have observed is Goro needs his time to be so brilliant as he is. I am sure his next article will include that story or another story that has a similair message for that timeframe.



  8. I emailed him about it 2 days ago but never heard from him :o

  9. Just found another underworld "news" report that fits our message scheme. The russian oil-rig "Kolskaya" sank today while it was transported on the sea. Now it itself had no connection to the underworld when it sank but it stands for the connection to the underworld. The name "Kolskaya" refers to the word "Kolsky" and that one leads us to the so called russian Kola Superdeep Borehole.

    Wiki: A number of boreholes were drilled by branching from a central hole. The deepest, SG-3, reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) in 1989, and is the deepest hole ever drilled, and the deepest artificial point on earth.

    So if there's an underworld this hole reaches to it ;)

    By sinking the Kolskaya the connection to the underworld is symbolical gone. Something has risen out of it and the connection is no longer needed (?).



  10. Thanks Deckard.

    It seems that Kolskya basically is the feminine of the name Nicholas (Nichol, I presume.)

    But in Nicholas - we find Nick - or "old Nick" - satan, who represents the future underworld.

  11. Maybe the apples falling were to help us realize the "Gravity" of our situation.

    and another Underworld event is the News that BP will be allowed to drill in the gulf again, I believe this news broke on the Dec. 14th.
