
Monday, December 5, 2011

Deep Impact/Dark Knight Rises: closer look

Both posters say: "Cities Fall."

Both posters use "Rise;"  Deep Impact says "Oceans" while Dark Knight Rises says "Heroes."  A "hero rising out of the ocean" would nearly be the same thing as a "beast rising out of the sea" (Revelations 13:1) as the antichrist will be perceived as a "hero" (on a white horse.)

Deep Impact poster says Hope Survives.  I have shown in the past that Hope refers not only to current U.S. President Obama but to an ELP (earth-like Planet - the ELP with Arthurian overtones.)

In the Dark Knight Rises poster, the people look to be not happy, perhaps rioting and the clock clearly shows that it's 11:11 in 2012.

Although not accurate (the Navy website changed the Mayan calendar "doom time" to 11:12 in 2009) the 11:11 time still stands in the minds of most people. 

The Dark Knight Rises poster also clearly shows two darkened towers:

Which if nothing else would remind one of 911.  The 11:11 clock between the two towers let's us know that "time is up" and the "Cities Fall" mantra (along with the other slogans) clearly send a 911/apocalyptic message: Two towers, 11:11.  Emergency.  911.

While Deep Impact sends a natural disaster message, the Dark Knight Rises clearly send another message altogether.  A hero is coming to save the world (the bat at the top the building has risen from the grave - dead from a head wound - as we have seen in another poster.)

CLEARLY, the Dark Knight Rises is at least the mini-story of Quetzalcoatl, King Arthur, Jesus and/or the antichrist.

1 comment:

  1. Heroes rise. Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    Men of renown, ancient heroes of mythology.

    Cities fall - original Hebrew word for city is Iyr which mean Watchers, the Sons of God. It was used with the idea that every city had a guardian angel that was its local deity.

    Cities falls = fallen angels

    Front of the building forms a cross.
