
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


On Twitter, The Bible Prophecy blog is followed by Discovery_News.  That's the Discovery Channel...

Why would the Discovery Channel news Twitter account follow Bible Prophecy?


  1. I would guess because they want people to read stuff like this from the blog:

    "Thus, Rev 12:4 and Gen 3:15 when taken together furnish an angelic commentary or perspective on the repeated near extinction and jeopardy experienced by the messianic lineage as recorded throughout the pages of the Old Testament.

    For example, because Abel's sacrifice was accepted, Satan figured that the messianic lineage would come through him. Thus, Satan prompted Cain to murder Abel (Gen 4; 1 John 3:12). Yet, God circumvented Satan's effort through the continuation of the messianic line through the birth of Seth (Gen 4:25-26; 5:1-32). Satan again sought to prevent the birth of the Messiah through the contamination of humanity's pre-flood gene pool (Gen 6:1-4) so that the human race could never give birth to a Messiah who must not only be fully God but also fully human. God again got around this Satanic attempt through the preservation of Noah and his sons (Gen 6:9; 1 Pet 3:19-20). Through this line, the Messiah would ultimately come (Gen 9:26; 11:10-26)."

    "Preserving the bloodline"
    There's your Olympics' DNA programming again. This brand of "Christianity" will accomplish a eugenics program much superior to Hitlers, IMO.

    If you go with what the New Age says about Jesus, that he was just a man and had kids, Prince William would be said to be Christ's genetic descendant.

  2. That's exactly what it's all about. Although Christ never married and the bloodline was broken, clearly people like Dan Brown and other Grail authors want you to believe William is in line for the Jewish throne.
