
Sunday, December 18, 2011

The DNA and Olympics revelation

Last night I had a dream.  In the dream, it was revealed to me that DNA and the Olympic rings are the same, based on the color scheme.

I got up in the night and wrote it down.

This morning, I have looked at many graphics of "DNA molecules" and I see that that they do indeed correspond with the Olympic rings!

This is something I have never seen brought up before.


  1. So if we have A's T's G's and C's, I'm wandering what that black ring stands for and I think I could make an educated guess!

  2. For those who don't know:

    A - Adenine (green)
    T - Thymine (purple)
    G - Guanine (blue)
    C - Cytosine (yellow)

    Black isn't really a color...

    Although "black band" comes to mind!

    Thanks for the comment, Jonathon
