
Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Double Diana Day"

 As I have commented previously, I think that Kate and William will announce to the world she is pregnant on December 10, 2011.

I say this not only because there is a lunar eclipse that day but December 10th also concludes a Venus year (225 days) since April 29, 2011 - the day that William and Kate married.

from Date Calculator

Venus is of course, Isis and Isis is of course Princess Diana in symbolism - who also happens to be the moon in symbolism.  So not only do we have "Venus Wedding Anniversary Day" (for lack of a better term) on December 10th, we also have that lunar eclipse.

It's not coincidence.  Don't forget that Kate shares the ring of the dead Diana.  Don't forget that 2012's Super Bowl is in InDianapolis, InDiana.  Don't forget, pop singer Madonna (herself an Isis/Diana figure) - named for the mother of Jesus - is the star of the Super Bowl halftime show.  Don't forget  the 2012 Olympics are in London, former home of Diana.  And let's not forget William, who of course was in Diana.

And also don't forget that 2012 is the year Venus makes another transit across the sun, the day after Queen Elizabeth's II's Diamond Jubilee ends in London.

I think sometimes we are all so ignorant about astronomy that we don't realize that God gave us a clock and a sky for a calendar and reminded us in the Bible time and time again that there will be 'signs in the sky, moon and the stars.'  Some of us are looking for the Star of Bethlehem when actually maybe we should be only watching the procession of the the sky's giant clock.

Those in the occult obviously set their watches by the sky.


  1. I really can't find a place for an offspring of the antichrist. The world will end with the antichrist so what's the need for the baby? Unless of course, the baby IS the antichrist

  2. Or unless the baby IS or is part of a sacrifice!

  3. oh ok! I didn't think of that..
