
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kate to declare pregnancy on December 10? (and Goro Adachi)

A few days ago, I wrote and showed you this post, about the Mars rover Curiosity and the "Cat Box" and the cat...

The original impetus for that idea came from 2003 when Richard C. Hoagland and more importantly Goro Adachi came up with the face on Mars/lionid/pregnancy connection. However, It was my own idea to attach the significance to Curiosity and the "cat," Prince William, etc. 

Yesterday, Adachi pulled the same old idea out of HIS closet (and it must be understood that it is his material) - but one would think that I was either reading his mind (impossible) or I have been reading his pay website - which I do not do, never have and never will be a member of.  It even looks he using *my* material but nothing could be further from the truth.

I just wanted to make it clear as though it may look like he is using my ideas  In actuality, those were his ideas from 2003, I just happened to find them more relevant now than I did in 2003 (and apparently, he does too.)  Basically, we are playing in the same ballpark and maybe some ideas and thoughts are shared.  But I really think this stems from the fact that I have been an avid reader of his free material since 2002 or so.

I can imagine that come the time of the Venus Transit (early June) that Adachi will have something on his site that points to Queen retiring or dying.  Again, the "transition" idea is his from 2004 but it was my own idea to point to Queen Elizabeth II.  And come the Olympics, I think you will see more similarities.  Again I say, it's because we are in the same "ballpark."

By the way, his ideas - while not perfect - have shown themselves to be uncannily accurate.  From what I read, it looks as if he may be pointing to a December 14th date that Kate declares herself pregnant.

I disagree with him.   I see the date for Kate to declare herself pregnant as December 10th.

Why do I think this?  Because there is a lunar eclipse on that date!

The dark moon (eclipses and new moons) have ruled the life of William over and over.  Kate was born on the day of a lunar eclipse.

I dare say Kate has known she has been pregnant for quite a while (October 31?) but is waiting until December 10th to make it known to the world, since there is some kind of occult power involved in such matters.  Make no mistake, their lives are ruled by the occult as my various astronomy photographs have indicated.  The darkened moon (the new moon or the eclipsed moon) seems to be the events they use more often than the sun.

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