
Monday, December 12, 2011

My dream last night

I had a very strange dream last night.

Let me first tell you my vantage point in the dream was above all the stuff that was going on.

There was a large semi-circle.  The semi-circle was huge but I cannot give you the dimensions I saw.  It was not endless.

People from all over were being coaxed to go into this arena.  Loud speakers were saying something like, "See the greatest show ever!" or something to that effect.  The arena was practically pitch black.  You could see some orange walls.

The show did not start on time.  People were murmuring about this but not in a negative way - more in an anticipation sort of way.

Finally, one large door opened and this big rig came into the arena and went to the "staging area."  It was then I became aware of the "stage hands" - hundreds of them.  The way I see them now as I reflect - they all looked like O.J. Simpson and they all wore dark hoods over their heads.  I could see them pull a very large casket out of the big rig.  The casket was at least 2-3 times the size of a normal casket. It had a sign on it that said, "Dracula - do not touch, SHARP" or something very similar to that.  The casket was set up so the crowd could see it and then a large black curtain was pulled where I could no longer see the casket.

I turned around to face the crowd and they are still in very strong anticipation.

I turned my attention once again to where the casket was and I could see now that the curtains that were masking the casket were now gone.  In that area where the casket stood (and nowhere else) it was snowing and the wind was blowing.  The sign on the casket that had read, "Dracula..." now said, "Antichrist - do not touch, SHARP."

It was then I heard a welcoming male voice over the loud speaker.  The lights came up a bit and I was able to see the now-enclosed circle where the thousands and thousands of people stood.  They all looked straight ahead.

The walls all turned 180 degrees and the circle was lit up dimly but bright orange color.

The antichrist was revealed.  All I can tell you about him is that he was much like the 1960's version of Mr. Freeze (with the helmet) in the campy Batman TV series - combined with a snowman.  He was covered in snow.  He was very large - maybe twice as big as the normal person.

It was at this point I awoke.

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