
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Name game

Kim Jong-Un is now Kim Jong-Eun!

Kim Jong-Eun continues to be a very important person to watch.


  1. why is he so important to watch?

  2. For one thing, his age is about to go from 27 to 30 overnight (XXX Olympics.) For another thing, he's the leader of a rouge Communist country with military might and nuclear weapons. And the main reason is that when he was first seen in public (September 10, 2010) Sunspot #1111 appeared the same exact day; #1111 portends the false messiah.

    He may not be THE antichrist but I feel confident he is ONE of the antichrists.

  3. an antichrist he may be, but the leader of 'a rouge Communist country with military might and nuclear weapons'? That's ridiculous.. His country is considered 'dangerous' only because the US decided to call it so. Bush was idiot enough as to disclose the names of the next three US military targets: Iraq, Iran and North Korea aka the 'axis of evil'. One is already down and the other two are at the stage of backbiting
