
Saturday, December 17, 2011

NASA: No supernova in 2012
But since they have the Hubble telescope and since they would know MUCH sooner than us when Betelguse will explode, doesn't that mean that they could plan stuff behind our backs and then "magically" make the extra sun appear on date x?


  1. I think it's more to the point that they are setting up a lie, so that when they fake a new star in the sky (that magically heralds the approach of some false Christ at the end of 2012), they can say, "oh that's Betelguese exploding" and have people believe it's an amazing coincidence.

    It's similar to all the LHC god particle crap - just setting up an elaborate lie of "star gates", "time travel", or some sort of oracle device.

  2. Thanks for the comment.

    You may be right although I am not convinced yet that there isn't something to the LHC thing...

    The second sun thing would be ridiculously frightening to the half-informed, no doubts about that.
