
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Royal baby not the messiah

Just so that I make myself clear, the coming royal baby - if there is one - is not the focus of my "baby" posts.

"Being born" can happen other ways rather than the natural way.  Suddenly thrust into the position (for instance, as the new North Koreans leaders were this past weekend) is the kind of example I am looking at.

I apologize that I sometimes do not make myself clear.

Specifically, I am pointing at Prince William.

As people such as Goro Adachi and many others have pointed out, the real baby announcement or perhaps actual birth may be either preceded or followed by a very large earthquake, which Mr. Adachi cleverly calls a "birthquake."

I believe there will be at least one of these "birthquakes" for each event.
It's interesting the Guardian article about the Madonnaleaks, mentions a (paraphrasing here) "due date" in connection with her album "release" which has not been title yet.  I suggest we look for the name of the album to be in reference to the antichrist in some way.

More later.


  1. Just want to share that the city(Zaragoza), that this "leak" originated from, would be Caesar Augustus in english.

    Luk_2:1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.

  2. Well now, that is interesting because that would refer (possibly) to a Caesarean birth - and what that means in this situation (if this *is* THE situation, I really am not quite sure yet.

    There may be more to this, including the closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics.

    Thank you for bringing this up, Lorenz.
