
Saturday, December 31, 2011


November 9, 2012...


  1. It's funny that the date for "Skyfall" is 11-9-12.

    I've got the dreaded "asteroid collision" pegged to hit 11-10-12 ish, with a false Christ coming on 11-11-12.

    The scriptural/ ritual pattern is abomination of desolation (on the 1290th day), sudden destruction, false christ arises, darkness. In 2012, there are 3 of these patterns that I could find (not including the obligatory 12-21-12):

    1290 days after 10-29-8 (Obama's Covenant with the many TV ritual) is 5-11-12 with the darkness on the 5-20-12 solar eclipse.

    1290 days after Obama's induction on 1-21-9 is 8-3-12 (coincidentally, there is a hadith prophecy of 3 major EQs on this day, 15th of Ramadan.) The darkness is unnatural and is expected by Islamic prophecy mid August ish.

    1290 days after Beltane, the Satanic "holy" day, 4-30-9 is 11-10-12. Abomination, then destruction, then false christ on 11-11-12, then the darkness of the solar eclipse of 11-13-12.

    The pieces really do fit together well.


    PS, I'm really digging your side bar events calendar, JD.

  2. Glad you enjoy the event calendar. More events added as I find them.

  3. I wonder when is Obama set to be sacrificed...

  4. backwards 911

    Lots of websites are calculating the computerized star charts for the star of Bethlehem and coming up with a 9 11 3BC for the birth of Christ.

    Which is also the date of the Feast of trumpets for that year.

    Just before the trumpet judgments at the 6th seal the heavens are torn open and Y'shua is revealed, see Rev 6:14,16
