
Sunday, December 11, 2011

So who are the Palestinians?

U.S. Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich finds himself in "hot water" these days because of publicly stating that the Palestinians are an 'invented people.'

That's certainly not a way to win votes among the those who hate Israel.

On the other hand, let's go to root of the word "Palestine" and see what the Etymology Dictionary says:

We know that the Philistines were nephilim/giants.  Therefore, this seems to not only make Newt Gingrich correct ('invented people'), it sheds a new light on why the Palestinians and the Israelis have so much conflict.  It's David and Goliath!


  1. Jeff do you actually agree with that pathetic excuse of a human being? Because I thought you knew better..
    The Palestinians are not invented. They are the descendants of the Jews who managed to escape deportation after the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and of the first Christians. Some of them got later converted to Islam by the Ottomans but there were large communities of Christians and muslims in the Holy Land that thrived and lived in peace there for about 2000 years. Who were the Crusaders fighting against then? An empty spot?
    It all ended when the violent arrival of the Zionists (helped by their Briths cousins) who claimed the land for themselves and started killing everyone. Newt is a whore who'd kill his mother for five minutes of fame. Do your homework.

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