
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time's Person of the Year

I don't know if you have listened to the Occupy protesters (most of them are kids from liberal colleges or intellectual drop-outs from society) but for the most part they seem to support the same people they seem to be protesting (ie, backing President Obama, accepting free gifts from corporations to make their protesting easier, etc.)

These kids are (by in large) uninformed hypocrites. Seems like the more educated they are, the more to the left they lean.

I'm guessing about 15-20% of the American occupiers would profess to be Christians.

Enjoy your award.


  1. In Islamic eschatology,the cast of players are:

    Dajjal (Islamic antichrist)
    Mahdi (12th Imam, God ordained to rule the world)
    Isa (Islamic Jesus that will work "miracles" and tell the world to worship Mahdi.)
    Gog (probably "Nephilim")
    Dabbatul Ard ("Earth beast")! The description of it is a dragon.

    Reading Epoch of Appearance by Korani, a collection of various Islamic prophecies
    I came across this paragraph:(not the best translation...)

    Sfyany [Sufyani- a Syrian army commander, possibly Assad] forces in the prosecution of those two men come our city and Imam Mahdi (A.S) like Prophet Moses, fear and worry leave the place toward Mecca.

    Then Imam in Mecca communicate with some of is companions and supporters and start his holy uprising and movement in the night of Muharram, tenth, after Esha prayers from the holy Harram Makki, then give his first speech for people of Mecca stated that his enemies tried to assassinate him and try to kill him, but the companions of Imam surround him and disperse his enemies and then control holy mosque of Mecca (masjed al-harram) and them whole city of Mecca.

    And on the morning of the tenth of Muharram, imam Mahdi (A.S) send his first message to the world in different languages and invite all nations in the world to help him. He announce that he remain in Mecca until a miracle that his great ground father Dear Prophet Mustafa (PBUH) promised become truth and Safyany's forces which already move toward Mecca to break his movement will destroyed."

    So on the 10th of Muharram, if 2012 is the Satanic ritual fulfillment of various prophecies to manipulate people into accepting the antichrist, then this date is November 24, 2012. The situation they describe in this prophecy, Mahdi inviting the world to help him start his holy uprising is exactly this scene from the V for Vendetta movie:

    "V" inviting the world to help him overthrow the govt.

    According to prophecy, Dabbatul Ard, the dragon but not called a dragon, (on the side of Mahdi) is released from the earth on (again if we use 2012) November 16, 2012. From a Christian POV, this would be Satan, the dragon, Mahdi would be the antichrist giving his speech on 11-24-12, and Isa (alien UFO false Jesus that returns either on 12-13-12 or 12-21-12) would easily register as the false prophet, the "V" symbol would be the "mark of the beast".

    So, the antichrist's scheme appears to be this: a "choice" between 2 antichrists, Prince William or the anarchist "V"/ Mahdi bent on creating the NWO.

    The Occupy "movement" is designed to be grafted into the Islamic revolutionary movement via the prophetic allegiance between the Mahdi (for Islamic "terrorists" and supporters of "V") and Isa (Jesus) which also brings in the New Age alien Jesus camp. On the other side of the divide is Prince William, who does not have to claim he is god in the temple for another 1290 days, trying to make a peace amidst the instability caused by the anarchists.


  2. Christian prophecies are far more clear and specific:
    1. Fake anarchy to destabilize people
    2. Local wars, famine, diseases, natural disasters, WWIII
    3. Rise of the antichrist as great teacher and peace maker
    4. People blown away by his charm and imploring him to rule the word
    5. Assuming divine powers and rights by antichrist
    6. Election as supreme and divine leader of the world and beginning of extreme violence against Christians and other people (a lot of Jews will wake up at this time) who will not accept him as god.
    7. anointing of the antichrist in the third temple of Jerusalem (lots of coincidences here: wwIII, IIIrd temple, XXX Olympic, 30 years old William)
    8. vicious killing of almost all opposition during three and a half years of reign
    9. battle of Armageddon against the remaining Christians (most probably Russia)
    10. Second coming and end of the world

    Unfortunately for them, most Muslims will be crushed before the time of the antichrist. They are his first target (because they are the most outspoken about him) and the unsuspecting world will help him reach his fist goal..

  3. forgot to mention the 'invented' people of Palestine will be ALL killed and thrown in the Dead Sea...
