
Monday, December 12, 2011

What do you see? 2012 Republican Convention logo

A bright red star (Communism anyone?) on the beach with a mosque and an ocean that looks like double-helix DNA.

Yes, a mosque.
The 2008 logo (below) was boring although the elephant looks mad there; the elephant is missing completely from the 2012 logo...I'm thinking it's a symptom of the new Communist DNA.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Seems like everything today has to do with the angel/demons rising out of the earth. So sticking to that theme. I think the palm tree is the axis mundi.
    Tree of life, center of the world, the primordial mound surrounded by water. Tree roots going deep into the earth (abyss) where Osiris sleeps with his fallen angels and demons. He's the god of the underworld.
    It's located in a middle east desert area according to the Book of Enoch, East of the Garden in a waste wilderness at Duidain.
    Hence the minaret for an extra clue.
