
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

YOG mascot Yoggl flipped

I fixed this earlier image and made it a bit nicer.


  1. Wow! Good find! It even has the ears, the knees out stance and what looks like the hint of a wing.

  2. Good eye yourself! I tried to make those changes (I'm bad at graphics!) and gave you credit!

  3. Hllo Jeff & Bob,,

    what an excellent find!

    I would like to make some additions:

    There is no sun in the Baphomet pictures. Above left there is the white moon of "Cheset" and lower right we have the black moon of "Geburah". What Yoggl is juggling with is a snowball. See the symbol for snowflake. It is a 6-pointed star of which each end spreads into 3 Lines. So we have 18 ends which is a symbolic description of 666 as 6+6+6 equals 18. The Pentagram on the head of Baphomet symbolizes the same thing as the internal angel of the Pentagram is 36 degrees which also symbolical 3 times 6 = 6, 6 and 6.

    The end of the scarf of Joggl is depicted "flying in the wind/air" so it of course resembles the wings of Baphomet as wings are a tool to fly in the air.

    I would explain the "reflection" at the bottom a little: Baphomet is seated on a throne on a ball symbolising the Earth or in biblical terms it is the "World". The "World" is the deception of evil governed by a system called "Society". As Bible reader we know that being in the "World" is ok as long as we are not from the "World" meaning governed by it (evil ... wearing the mark of the Beast ... putting man made law above God's law). The evil system "Society" is a mirror of the real creation - but as it is mirrored everything in it is wrong. We just need to look around us to see that this is and always was the state of the "World". So the reflection under Joggl is a perfect symbol for the ball on which Baphomet has his throne.

    The logo on Joggl's trikot contains even the 2 snakes, the pole and the ball in the middle as depicted on the Baphomet picture. "2012" ... we got the Ball "0", the pole "1" surrounded by the 2 snakes with "2" and "2" or in the shape of the letter "S". "2012" of course being also the sign of ZION. ZION = NOIZ backwards. Turn the "N" 90 degrees right and you get an "Z" (ZOIZ) which also resembles the letter "S" or the number "2".

    The torch between Baphomet's horns is symbolized in the pants of Joggl. The torch is all the light evil can provide. One of my favourite quotes is "Giving up God is like giving up the sun and wondering on with a torch". A torch symbolizes nothing but a small light. A small part of the real bright light is all that evil can offer. So starting the flames at Joggl's crotch (which symbolizes sex or worldy matters over spiritual matters) with red going into yellow touching the brown feet (symbolizing "earth") and so the reflection ("the World") under him means the same thing as the torch on the head of Baphomet. Small light shining for the illusion.

    One must admire the talent of the artists. As Joggl's "hands" consist only of a thumb and a big one-piece counterpart he cannot but make the "as above as below" sign.

    Sorry if it is so unsorted.



  4. Thank you for the excellent insight, Deckard. I guess I should have done a bit more homework on the subject!

    I think you made some really good points. It never occurred to me that 2012 is really the 2 snakes but you have that pegged!

    All your other points also seem to be valid. If I could draw at all I'd probably do the graphic over and add in your ideas, Deckard.

    Thanks for the comments and your support of the blog.

  5. Oh no it is not necessary to credit me (the credit to all there is goes to the creator).

    You are doing your homework. You're best at finding the important messages. That's your gift or tool. And you wrote you like to just present the news and ask your readers to make up their own minds about it. That's brilliant because I am not good at finding the important messages. I need you. I couldn't have come to study the Joggl mascot without you pointing me to it. Basically it is you who supports my learning or study :)



  6. Okay, mutual admiration society!

    You refer to Yoogl as "Joogyl" - what's the reasoning behind it?

  7. Oh "Yoogl" is his name you are correct. I cannot say why I used the german name it is based on "Joggl" for "Jacob" (or "Jakob" in german). Must be because I am german ;)



  8. Jacob? Wow. That's like a whole other post right there.

  9. Are you kidding me? Check who Yog-Sothoth really is, it says a lot. Not to mention the goat always represented the devil as per the goat of Mendes. Can they be more obvious?

  10. Thanks anon - nice observation. (See here.)

    (It must be pointed out the mascot's name though is Yoogl, not Yogl.

  11. sorry Jeff but the correct spelling is Yoggl :)
    Anywayz it's pronounced YOG

  12. Okay thanks. Pretty sure wherever I saw it , it was Yoogl...but that's cool, I am wrong, obviously!

  13. ok but it doesn't really matter how it's spelled, it's a horned god

  14. Excellent. They both have hoofs, also.
