
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What am I doing?

Those of you who faithfully read the site may wonder why sometimes I just post news and nothing else.

The Bible is in the news daily and the Bible tells us there will be signs in the stars and heavens.  Lady Gaga is a "star."  Elton is a "star."  Barack Obama is a "star."

I catalog the "stars."  They tell on themselves - it's the nature of the beast so to speak.  Given some time, you will see what I am doing is worthwhile as we are not just collecting end-times news here, we are making a database for use in the near future.  You can connect the newspaper to the Word of God via the sign language.  Most of the "signals" show us the deceit and evil of the world.  Why that is exactly, I do not know.  I suppose it is because we live in an evil and deceitful world.

The Bible tells us we are not to be deceived. Let me ask you this - do you know Christians who read the news daily and study scripture that aren't "in the know?" Conversely, do you know people who do not read God's Word and do not pay attention to what is going on that are clueless?

As I have pointed out in the past, I don't write much and that's because I don't feel I have to.  There are times when I may need to explain myself but I believe I can communicate to you via pictures and as Christians, you should be able to see and feel the signs around you.  After all, WE are NOT blind.

By all means, if you have a question or are interested in how I get C out of A+B, feel free to email me or comment on the site.  I urge you to point to me the things I miss as well.

I honestly feel that anyone who comes to this site doesn't need a lot of words thrown at them.  Look on the left side of the site and use your own addition and the Bible to see the path.

And I have said this is the past before but it's worth repeating: I am not into fortune telling or astrology or anything like that.  But the other side is - and you should know their game plan because believe me they are using it on the Christians in this world!  Be vigilant!  Wake up!

1 comment:

  1. I like what you are doing. Keep up the good work!
