
Monday, February 27, 2012

6 urns and 1 urn

Previously, we saw 6 urns at the Super Bowl halftime show:

The 6 urns seemed to represent 6 days until Whitney Houston passed away.

The one urn in the previous post, was representing the ashes of Kim Jong Il (yes, I know it wasn't really his ashes but that's what it represents, nonethless.)

The sprinkling of the ashes of Kim Jong-Il represents his "rebirth" on a red carpet.

Recall that Kim Jong-Un has been represented twice with red water (check this post from February 17, 2012) both times, poisonous.

The red carpet represents another "red water" and sprinkling of ashes represents a "rebirth" to the dead.

The one urn could represent a passage of one full day (the Super Bowl urns seem to imply a passage of 6 days.)

A rebirth of Kim Jung-Il could easily be represented in his son, Kim Jong-Un and Monday night seems like it would be the time, if things are being represented correctly.

Might North Korea make a sudden military move?  They have been in the news the past week or so again, threatening South Korea.


  1. Who's provoking who? Check a few facts:

    They say the North had been informed of the exercise dates and "the non-provocative nature of this training". I wonder how the US would react should the Russians begin such a non-provocative military exercise off coast of Mexico...

    And this is happening every year:

  2. 6 is also the number of man being created on the 6th day.

    Righteous mankind killed

    a blasphemous 7th urn to represent the Sabbath day of rest and the completion of God's work. All God's work was declared good and they have undone it all.
