
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bailout/sinking ship

If you follow this blog, you have probably picked up on me hinting of a coming sinking ship.

I try NOT to say these things as I'm not here to present a curse or foretell future events.  I may hint at things I see or add up; most are meaningless, some are not.

Avoiding saying these things and only hinting at them maybe help me look less like an idiot as well; it's hard to keep a straight face when you read something like - "The Queen is going to drown via a shipwreck."  Pretty ridiculous stuff.

Yet, the symbolic nature of the above just keeps coming.  I don't post everything I see that says the above sentiment. I do post what I feel are important "yells" at me.

I now present you with another one:

The question the article above poses seems to pose another question:
When you think of bailing out or a bailout, don't you generally think of a sinking boat?

At least 3 Greek coins have a boat pictured on them.  Here are two more:

When you cut down to the quick, "queen" actually means woman - and all boats are named after women.

You can do the rest of the problem solving in this post by yourself.

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