
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Five Questions for Jeffrey K. Radt

Jeffrey Radt (known to many as "JRed") runs the Look Up Fellowship (LUF) website and is the author of many, many insightful articles there.
I asked him pretty much the same five questions I asked Bob Schlenker in an earlier interview.

1. ACCELERATION - A big question... 2012. What are your thoughts about the year? What do you think the elite and satan have planned?

Jeffrey Radt - Let me start by saying how grateful I am to have this opportunity to have an audience with your readers for His glory, honor, and praise. I would also like to preface all of my answers here today by simply referencing J.C. Ryle's views on the study of prophecy, which I share: "One thing only I wish to premise before making my statement. The reader must distinctly understand that I do not put forth my prophetical views as articles of faith but only as my private opinions. I do not say that nobody can be saved who does not agree with me about prophecy. I am not infallible. I am very sensible that holier and better men than myself do not see these subjects with my eyes and think me utterly mistaken. I condemn nobody; I judge nobody. I only ask liberty to hold and state distinctly my own views. The day will decide who is right. It is the new heart and faith in Christ's blood which are absolutely necessary to salvation. The man who knows these two things experimentally may be wrong about prophecy, but he will not miss heaven." Well, we made it to 2012, didn't we? If any of you are like me, then you're probably shocked that we made it this far past the 2008 US Presidential Election without a 9/11 type of event. Still, that doesn't mean that we haven't moved closer to the fulfillment of the Bible's end times prophecies. When I think about 2012 and all that could happen this year, I just keep thinking that this has to be it, it has to be the year, doesn't it? Yes, the Lord is sovereign, nothing happens outside of His control, and nothing our common enemy does takes Him by surprise -- ever. Still, I always think that out of all the years since 2008, a year when we seemed to 'turn the corner' prophetically speaking, 2012 is the one that Satan and his loyal subjects have been waiting for all along. I just can't see them letting 2012 pass without making some kind of move to deceive and/or destroy millions particularly when so many within the non-believing world are already expecting it to happen. I hate to use the phrase 'self-fulfilling prophecy' because that's anti-Biblical, but I think you understand what I'm trying to say. God already knows how this is all going to play out. Will He allow Satan and his minions to succeed for a season? Will He allow them to appear to 'win' this battle even though we know He's already won the war? Time will tell. All I know is that with each day that passes, we're all one step closer to the 'beginning of the end', the start of Daniel's 70th Week, the opening of the Tribulation that will eventually lead to the Great Tribulation. Whatever does or doesn't happen, fight any fear with faith, and remain secure in your faith because you're secure in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For those non-believers or skeptics who are reading this, might heart breaks for you. I have a heavy heart over the thought that you might go through hell on earth without Jesus Christ. Truth is, there is an end worse than that because any one of us could die tonight in a moment completely unrelated to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and if we die in our sins, never having fully understood that we are sinners, enemies of God, in need of repentance, and forgiveness, and mercy, and salvation, and reconciliation through faith in Jesus, then we will face judgment for that, which includes eternity in Hell as punishment for those unrepentant sins. My dear friends, in this late and urgent hour of humanity it's likely that we could wake up tomorrow to an entirely different world. And then what? My dear friends, with life being so fleeting and precious it's likely that we could not wake up tomorrow at all. Do you know what will happen to you when you die and this life ends? Prophecy assures us of the future that's coming -- a future that includes all of us -- and the only question is not whether we were 'right' or 'wrong' in our understanding of the Rapture, the timing of the Tribulation, the identity of the Antichrist, or the identity of the Mark of the Beast. No, the only question is whether or not you repented of your sins and placed your faith in Jesus Christ when you were a sinner and heard the Gospel message presented to you. So, my thoughts about 2012 are that Satan will ramp up his attacks and continue to do more of the same. My prayer is that 2012 will see lost souls get genuinely saved before it's too late.
2. ACCELERATION - In your opinion, what is the purpose of all of the 2012 Olympic art projects in England's that seem to be so foretelling of "the rise" of something?

Jeffrey Radt - Why does man always esteem the Arts? Does it have to do with the possibility that the Arts are the most basic form of anti-Christian expression? Think about it. Anyone who's an artist is guilty of what? Creation. They get to create what they thought up, right? Consequently, such an artistic creation -- any artistic creation for that matter -- can sometimes lead to...pride. Pride can be pumped up whenever the rest of the world recognizes you for your contribution(s) to the Arts. What do we know about pride? Pride always comes before a fall. Proverbs 18:12 says, "Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility." Now, I'm not saying that all forms of Art are inherently bad, but I am wondering why we see a prevalence of 'dark', 'evil', 'occult', 'satanic' themes in a majority of what is called 'art' these days (perhaps even historically speaking). The more I study Pop Culture (particularly the Arts like Advertising/Logos, Commercials, Comics, Novels, Film/TV, Music, Video Games, etc.), the more I conclude that a majority of them come from a deep, dark place that we have no business messing around with let alone exploring with such depth as we often do. To put it another way, I don't believe it's an accident that a majority of the creative works produced by man these days have no redeeming quality and/or value beyond infecting the hearts and minds of a generation with immoral, unholy, and un-Biblical concepts. In essence, all they really ever do is reflect the father of this world, and glorify and honor him instead of the Heavenly Father. No, this surely doesn't apply to ALL forms or art and entertainment, but certainly to a majority of what's out there, and especially to the mainstream, popular stuff (1 John 2:15-16; 1 John 4:5; John 15:19). I don't know why, but the more I look at what passes for 'popular' these days, the more I see another one -- not the One -- being worshipped as a god. It's quite eye-opening too. The 2012 Olympics certainly come to mind in this respect. It's not like the Olympics have never portrayed explicitly 'occult' themes before this year -- they most certainly have! However, as JD3 has done an excellent job of showing us time and time again here on this blog, this time seems to be much different. It's so 'in your face' now that it's almost like we're being mocked. Actually, we are being mocked. Look no further than Madonna's Super Bowl Halftime Show last week and you'll see what I mean by that. At this point, I know what the skeptics are thinking. But let's keep it real. Why is it ok for people to point to George Orwell's classic novel 1984 in such a way, but when you try to apply the same supernatural characteristics to other creative works found in Pop Culture people instantly dismiss the notion? These images and projects definitely point to a 'rise' alright, and the Word of God confirms that such is in our future. How that works is beyond me. There are things in this life that we will never understand (Deuteronomy 29:29).

3. ACCELERATION - Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee holiday period lasts from a Saturday to a Tuesday. That Monday, June 4th, there is a lunar eclipse...that Tuesday is June 5th, the same day that the Venus Transit begins. In your opinion, was this intentional?

Jeffrey Radt - To the New Agers / Occultists / Satanists, I'm sure it was intentional. I'm sorry that I'm not more familiar with these subjects to be able to comment on them at length for you and your readers though.

4. ACCELERATION - Do you feel there is any significance in 1948 being the last year London held the Olympics and the fact that 1948 was also the year Israel became a nation? Could you give your feelings on the "Zion" found in the last few Olympic logos?

Jeffrey Radt - Wow! I had no idea that was the case until just reading it now. Anything's possible, and after just reading Bob Schlenker's recent post connecting Psalm 48 to the '48 Olympics to this year's, I don't think there's much I could add at this time that would make these findings any more substantial than they are on their own right now.

5. ACCELERATION - Have you formed an opinion or ventured any guess as to what will be "the great deception?"

Jeffrey Radt - It's interesting you asked this question because I have been wondering about that some lately. Traditionally, we've always likened this to the Satanic 'Alien/UFO' agenda and a 'Full Disclosure' type of event, which can produce slightly different interpretations when you factor in things like HAARP and Project Blue Beam, for instance. While I still think that that's the most likely candidate to tie in to a fulfillment of this prophecy, I'm also keeping myself open to another possibility. We know clearly from the Scriptures that there will be people who think they're Christians, but they're not (Matthew 7). We are also told quite plainly that there will be "false teachers", "false prophets", "wolves", "wheat" and "tares" too. That got me thinking. Maybe the coming 'Great Deception' will somehow tie in to this truth. Other than convincing the world that he doesn't exist and that Hell is not a real place, maybe Satan's greatest accomplishment is getting people to think they're Christians when they're really not. So, the 'Great Deception' just might be thrusting a 'Christian' figurehead upon the world as its leader when, in fact, that individual is nothing more than a 'Christian-In-Name-Only', or the prophesied Antichrist. Of course, for this theory to hold true that would mean that we'd be talking about a Pope becoming the Antichrist. I readily admit, the jury's still out on that one. Even so, could you imagine how 'great' that 'deception' would be if a future Pope emerged as the world leader and began telling everyone that they're 'saved' and due to the world's trust in such a person they were deceived unto death? Ironically enough, a major headline in the news today is that Pope Benedict has only a year left to live! Sometimes all you can do is shake your head in amazement over these things.


  1. a Pope the antichrist? This must be a joke.. The Jews would never accept a pope as their 'messiah'. It has to be one of them, it WILL be one of them. That's why William is such a good candidate, he's a fake Christian and he has Hebrew origins...

  2. Not saying I agree with JRed here but I think the anonymous poster forgets that whoever the antichrist is - will deceive everyone but the very elect.

  3. absolutely true Jeff. However he will be brought into power by some.
