
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Isis Madonna


  1. This is what was part of the halftime show. Madonna on a harlot throne with a crown reminiscent of an evil deity(reminds me of ISIS, Egyptian goddess of fertility and motherhood) and her body in a “ spread eagle” stance. Also notice the horns of her head dress and the Egyptian Hieroglyphics inscribed on the pylons she is standing on. Watching it was very spectacular and the audience was doing a lot of ohhhing and aweing. Most people will not pick up on the symbolism.

  2. Sorry but that's not Isis. At best is Hathor which was the goddess of music too. But Hathor had the sun disk on her head which Madonna had not. Also note Madonna's skirt reminiscent of roman attire and of course the Jewish harp. So she was impersonating a deity common to Romans, Egyptians and Jews.

  3. ... So the only horned goddess who fits the description is the one known to
    the Babylonians as Ishtar, the Sumerians as Inanna (Nana and Nin are other names from which the so-called La NiƱa climate pattern drew its name) the Greeks as Astarte (later changed to Aphrodite), the Hebrew as Ashtoreth and to the Romans as Venus. It is interesting that Astarte is also the goddess of war and was often depicted in a chariot like Madonna’s. One of her symbols was the star (hence the name Astarte, the evening star) which Madonna wore on her headdress.
