
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Judgement Day


  1. I can't prove this, but if you look at enough "news" articles, there are "cycles of the 2012 story/ deception" repeated over and over again. (Here J-Day is 12-21-12.)

    This one combined with the Jesus tomb story indicates to me that we are nearing the end of another cycle.

  2. Yes I agree. They are markers - hence one reason why I use the news almost exclusively. The news pretty much tells you what's going to happen in advance. We're being told all kinds of things (see the left hand side of my blog.) I don't pull these things out of the air, I read these things.

    If today is Judgement Day for example, it's being labeled that because something big is going to happen - more likely than not. It might be the who-cars Republican election but it's probably bigger than that.

    It doesn't always work that way but it works that way more often than you think.
