
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jupiter/Venus conjunction March 12/13

Someone wrote and asked me the actual date of the Venus/Jupiter conjuction next month.

I apologize, I somehow how lost your letter.

However, the dates are March 12/13...

Here's a closeup of the planets during that time:

Unlike the moon, planets do not move nearly as quickly and sometimes even go backwards (called 'retrograde') and can appear to remain in nearly the same spots for months.

From the above screenshot, it's hard to tell how close they are but juxtapose it against the screenshot below:


  1. Thanks, JD!

    What program do you use for that?

    Do you know what Venus and Jupiter seem to indicate here, astrologically speaking?

  2. I use Stellarium. It's a free program. (

    Well, some say this was was conjunction was the "Star of Bethlehem but I doubt it.

    I doubt if if means that much, actually... I still think it's somewhat important though.
