
Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Wolf Gift

We know that the dog named "Lupo" (wolf) was a gift from William, the Duke of Cambridge to his wife, Kate:

We know the name of the dog, which was a closely-held secret for 6 weeks, was accidentally revealed just after Lupercalia, which is a pagan holiday partly named for a she-wolf, according to Wikipedia.

On St. Valentine's Day (another pagan holiday) Anne Rice's new book came out, The Wolf Gift which she describes in this video:

It all seems a little too coincidental, considering we've been told months ago that Kensington Palace (where Kate currently lives) has been cursed.

Thanks to David!

1 comment:

  1. Kate let the secret slip right during Lupercalia, the secret was told on the same day the book was released, Feb. 14th. Lupercalia is Feb.13th-15th
