
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One giant, ominous clue

Do you recall this?:  
While the article does mention the Titanic spillways, what they don't tell you is that the above photograph was taken AT THE TITANIC SPILLWAYS.

How do I know that?  Check out Wikipedia:

So now we know this: the very first Olympic cultural event took place at the spot where the Titanic was launched and involved a crane called Goliath and the three sister ships were all nephilim-related (recall that Brittanic was first dubbed 'Gigantic.')


  1. Wow..great catch and very creepy. Is it just me or does the girl doing the split in front look pregnant and about give birth? Framed in purple. If not, it is a very strange looking outfit to me.

  2. I believe I left a comment on Bob Schlenker's site that the bell and the belly of a girl match up.
