
Thursday, July 19, 2012

7/27 thoughts

Let's forget the London Games Opening Ceremony (per sae) for a moment and think about the Opening Ceremony in Beijing.

How many astute historians recall that Russia invaded Georgia that very day, when no one was looking?

Will the same thing happen in 2012?  Bet on it.

Who will the attacker be this time?  Syria to Israel?  Israel to Iran?  Iran to US Navy?  US to Iran?  Iran to Israel?  Egypt to Israel?  Russia to Israel?  Russia, Syria, Iran to Israel?

You can almost bet on one of those scenarios; whether it will be a large incident or a small one.  You were warned.


  1. Wow! And I though I was the only one who remembered that (since LUF was born that week). Great reminder! Time to pray for all the lost sould in the Middle East. Keep up thegood work for His glory.

    In Christ,

  2. Wow! And I though I was the only one who remembered that (since LUF was born that week). Great reminder! Time to pray for all the lost sould in the Middle East. Keep up thegood work for His glory.

    In Christ,
