
Thursday, February 21, 2013

UFO's and mind control = not news anymore

I was just looking around at my list of websites I go to and I realized how when I saw a close-up photo of a newly spotted UFO, that I said to myself, "Who cares?"

And then I saw a nicely-written article with great graphics about mind control and programming in pop music and I yawned.

There is SO much of that stuff and more out there that if you are looking, you see it everywhere - and I mean everywhere.  And then there are those who do not look at anything but Facebook and Pintrest and those places and when something goes down, then are going to wonder where did this come from? 

With so much information available - and SO MUCH BAD NEWS happening all of the time (most of it leaning on the prophetic side) - you wonder how people can be oblivious to the world around them?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see a world that's not just deteriorating but falling apart at the moral seams - and worse, it seems like the book of Revelation has opened up and we live in a pop-up book.

Ten years ago, mind control was spooky; it's now boring.  And UFO photos and videos are so prevelant, I stopped long ago paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. I still keep paying attention, although my real focus in on the Coming of the Lord. In fact, I think things have definitely stepped up from where they were just a couple of years ago.
