
Monday, November 28, 2011


To be honest, I have a hard time putting thoughts together in a coherent way and writing them down.  I'm not a writer - I'm a musician.  So let me apologize for my bursts of information and the sloppy way it's put together.

My mind works in a weird way and connects things together that I may fail to let you in on - assuming you probably wouldn't be reading this if you couldn't put them together either. I'm going to assume a lot of things on your part.

I think I've said this before but I am a person who is sensitive to sights and sounds - and therefore my blogging will be much more visual than wordy.  I think a picture can say more than I can (and better.)

When I write, I'm going to leave out most of the story, as I assume you already know what's going on (if not, that's what the internet is for - look it up yourself.)  However, if I leave you out of the loop or you have no idea what I am talking about, give me a shout (you can post anonymously if you wish) and I'll try my best to catch you up or point out someone else who can.

In regards to the above and as a bridge into this next posts, let me also say I don't have all the answers. I have few - if any of the answers - I post what I feel and see and sometimes (maybe years later) it becomes clear what it was I was trying to connect. Or maybe it bcomes clear that I had no idea what I was talking about.

Also - and importantly - someone else will chime in their ideas which sets off another chain reaction by me. So it helps when you comment and say, "what about X and what about Y?"

I use astronomy (not astrology) in helping search for answers - although I may use astrology as a reference as to what is going on. Astrology is an occult practice. But make no bones about it, the "leaders" of the world, NASA, etc. use astrology everyday. So in order to do what I do, I have to use it also at times. Let it be known that I feel astrology is of satan. Period.

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