
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Curiosity killed the Cat?

  • During the William-Kate's wedding rehearsals at Westminister Abbey, the royals also rehearsed the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II; why is that??
  • Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee is quickly followed by the Venus Transit - the Venus Transit has been in the past a sign of power transition.
  • The 2012 Olympic logo suggests someone being crowned.
  • The 2012 Olympics is going to be a huge ritual event.  Think of the money spent, effort put into the giant occult structures built just for the event!
  • Mars rover "Curiosity" is scheduled to land on Mars next August, right in the middle of the Olympics.
  • Huge ritual events need (a) human sacrifice.
  • While she goes by the name of "Kate," William's wife's real name is "Catherine."
  • "Curiosity killed the cat" - William Shakespeare.
  • The most famous place on Mars is called, "The Cat Box."
  • Comparison of Leo when Princess Diana died and 5 days after 2012 Olympics; both Leos have sun, new moon (click to enlarge)
Venus can be Lucifer, Regulus = king - What does this portend?


  1. very weird choice of words in one of the articles above: "Rehearsal for what is expected to be the next major state occasion: Queen Elisabeth II funeral"
    Why is it her death expected to be the next big event when there are lots of other possibilities, like Harry's or the princesses Beatrice or Eugenie's weddings or even the birth/baptism of a baby to William and Kate..!

  2. Yes, wasn't it an "odd choice of words?"

    Sometimes, it's so right in our face that's it's funny.
