
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

William and Kate in the U.N. Security Council chambers?

This is part of a mural that hangs in the United Nations Security Council chamber.

The figure in the tree is Lucifer.  A serpent, yet not ugly, with fruit in his hand and fruit in the tree, inside of a vulva-shape - mother nature or Gaia.

The couple.  They both kneel to Lucifer.  His left hand is open-handed much the same as the Baphomet does in this  depiction...

The male's right hand is on the female, (Kate - the moon figure) and the Baphomet points to the moon with his right hand.

The female has flowers.  Is she a bride or a bride to be?  One may first assume this could be the Garden of Eden but there are too many people around (3 children total.)

The female (I'll admit) looks nothing like Kate.  The male could pass though for Prince William.

Below them sits a very young child. Who is this?  And what is he or she doing?

Even farther below stands a bird, who has either killed the bird he is standing on or is the same bird, resurrected.  I vote for the latter...

The red-orange hue below the bird and the fact that the is standing on his former self, makes the standing bird a phoenix and the red-orange being flames.

That fact that Israel became a member of the United Nations is 1948, the last London Olympics were 1948 and that the mural (of which this is only a small part) hangs in the United Nations building, seem to harbor clues that this could be William and Kate.

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