
Friday, December 23, 2011

Kim Jong Un revelations (Sunspot #1111)

Kim Jon Un was first presented to the public on September 28, 2010...

And his photo finally became public on September 30, 2010...

Which was the same day sunspot #1111 showed up!

At the same time, we were all watching Comet Hartley.

Now yesterday, which is an import date date because it represents one year until December 21, 2012, we get this wild story...

Yesterday, I wrote of Goro Adachi's term, "birthquake." If you read the article above, perhaps there was a birthquake when Kim Jong Il died. North Korea seems to have had some natural phenomena taking place that either signaled the death or the turnover in power.

We have learned that Kim Jong Un is not the sole leader, that some of his relatives are actually helping , etc.

Still, mighty suspicious that, if nothing else, we'd see sunspot #1111 (which I pegged before the event as being very important when it comes to end times prophecy) the same day he shows up publicly (remember, September 30, 2010) have a mini "birthquake" the day Kim Jong Il dies - the same day Kim Jong Un is presented to the public as N. Korea's leader..

Not only that, five days later (before the funeral) we had Comet Lovejoy dying and resurrecting itself via the sun!

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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