
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Video: What's really happening in Israel?

What's Really Happening in Israel from Gary Stearman on Vimeo.


  1. Sorry my friend but this is baloney. First of all if Israelis really intended to hit Iran these so-called plans would be VERY secret; Second of all Iran has no weapon of mass destruction and is nowhere near producing them as was the case with Iraq. Check the facts, check the inspectors' conclusion before assuming these 'Bible specialists' have no agenda. I have a few links if you want.
    Mark my words: Iran will be attacked by the US at the US expenses and with american loss of life. By the way why do you think US is pulling its troops out of Pakistan and Iraq as we speak?
    Haven't you noticed the pattern yet? What do all US'recent targets have in common? Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt and the rest of 'Arab spring' countries? They're all Muslim countries which are being methodically eliminated for Israel to rise as the only superpower of the Middle East first and of the whole world later (while the US is squashed to death by 'financial crises' aka redistribution of wealth, dictatorial laws, the cost of endless wars, crumbling infrastructure, poor nutrition and health and ever-growing poverty). But the US was DESIGNED for that sole purpose. Check what the founding fathers had to say about the 'higher purpose' of America. The US was designed to be Israel' trellis on which to grow and feed until ready to take over and later be sacrificed on the altar of that higher purpose. Those times are now.
    You've been lied about Iraq's wmd. You've been lied about 9/11. You've been lied about Pearl Harbor, you've been lied about the Moon landings, you've been lied about 'the change you can believe in' and I could go on forever. How can you still believe anything they have to say?
    It's amazing how you can be so close on so many issues and so dead wrong on the most important one.

  2. And God lies too? Is that your point?

  3. No, God doesn't lie. People don't understand what He's saying. And that's not new. People will always twist His words to match their goals..

  4. BTW, how do you KNOW Iran has no WMD?

  5. Up to 2010 all intelligence agencies, the IAEA and other authorities specialized in political and military conflicts agree that there is absolutely no way Iranians could develop nuclear weapons. They also assert it’s impossible to acquire such weapons (let alone the capabilities to launch them) in less than 10 years.

    And then in 2011 bam! Britain and Israel (odd coincidence) have access to ‘leaked’ documents about the opposite.

    And then IAEA changes its story too!!

    Isn’t politics a bitch?
    Don't know about you but I can tell when someone's lying to me

  6. also please not that the US was investing in destabilizing Iran long before the story of the nukes came up (actually at the say time they admitted Iran had no wmd):

    and prepared the public mind to hate Iran:

  7. Anon - Iran is one of the Ezekial 37-38 countries coming with the lower part of Russia to "try" and destroy Israel.

    All of your links aren't going to convince me otherwise.

    God will miraculously intervene and send hailstones (I read this as nuclear weapons) to destroy the invaders.

  8. Not trying to convince you of anything here. It was you who asked how I know there are no wmd in Iran.
    The fundamental mistake you're making (as well as the Evangelical Christians) is believing that the Israel mentioned in the old Testament prophecies and the country named today Israel are one and the same. They are not. Israel in Hebrew means 'saved by God' or 'people of God' and there is overwhelming proof (though I won't go into that here as it would take pages of quotations) in both testaments that Israel (after Jesus Christ was rejected and killed by the ones He was promised to) are actually the people who believed in Him, the "people whom I have not known shall serve me" aka the Christians. So your interpretations of the prophets are fatally flawed. To say that a country is godly just because it uses a godly name is as saying that my son is the Messiah just because I named him Jesus..

  9. I never said they were Godly. BUt it's obvious this is the Israel mentioned in the Bible (and a whole lot more of what we know today as Israel') simply by looking at a map and reading the names of the cities mentioned in the Bible.

    How hard can that be?

  10. Even if the places are the same people are not. And God made clear on several occasions He didn't care about places (as His kingdom is not earthly).
    If He cared about places He wouldn't have allowed the second Temple to be destroyed. Yet He allowed that to happen so the Jews would understand that the era of their priesthood was over. Unfortunately they didn't get the message therefore they are still waiting for THEIR Messiah (aka the antichrist). Tragically some Christians don't get it either and still consider the Jews to be the chosen ones thus making the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross an exercise of futility.

  11. I disagree. Abraham was given the land. It was land that was important. God shows us several times in many different scriptures exactly what is going to happen. And we know what that is - and it certainly isn't what you are implying.

    Yes, Israel has made mistakes and will eventually accept the antichrist...

  12. I'm talking New Testament and you're talking Old Testament. In Abraham's days places were important. The Jews were given a land because they needed a place to worship God. But after God himself lived on earth places ceased to be important. God's worship ceased to be confined to a designated place so both the temple and the land of Israel needed to be destroyed. God took his holy Spirit out of the temple and poured it into the human heart: "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people".

    If you are aware that "Israel" will accept the antichrist why do you still consider them the chosen ones? They are the fallen ones, as is satan. Jesus Christ repeatedly called them the sons of satan. Are you saying God lies? He says, and I quote: " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.", "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee". They killed the
    Messiah and they will bow to antichrist therefore they ARE God's opponents, what more do you need? I don't say you should hate them, I say pity them and pray for them, but don't consider them to be what they are definitely not.

    Not to mention the six pointed 'star of David' on their flag which is a satanic star mentioned in the Bible:
    "Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon." Acts 7:43
