
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is Obama the "sinking ship?"

Oct 9, 2012

Early in the year, even before Costa Concordia, we saw a sinking ship.  I associate this with Queen Elizabeth or possibly the financial QEII.  But maybe I've been looking in the wrong place all along?


  1. The message reads as follows:

    "Sullivan: SOS Obama"
    "Sullivan: Save Our Souls Obama"

    First satan has to "fall to Earth" or "come down from the Heavens" ('out of the clouds') before he will begin his work.

    You'll see the same 'act' 'played' out today over 'Roswell' featuring 'Felix Baumgartner' the first real 'Alien' that comes down there (he's Austrian like the Antichrist Resonator 'Adolf Hitler').



  2. Just another "death of the beast" ritual nod.

    If 12-21-12 is the 1335th "blessed" day (Daniel 8:14), then Oct. 7th is the 1260th "death of the beast" day. (It will always be a day or so off because the AC always tries to "change times and days".)

    Compare with the new Israeli elections (death of the old beast): Same thing going on.

    Also compare Obama's 1260th day in office, July 3rd, when Sheriff Joe announced he would show off evidence of Obama's birth certificate on July 18th(?) just before July 21st was up (3.5 solar years). Obama survived his "mortal head wound"/ the birth cert issue.
