Friday, February 17, 2012

London Plunge

Below, you'll find a very interesting article that seems to point to a few items we have been following here at Acceleration.

The project is entitled, Plunge, which can not only mean a loss of market value (ie. The market plunge) but an immersion or sinking in water -  like a drowning.

The marker is a highlight to show the possible waterline of a flood 1000 years from now.

There are 3 such markers up in London. 

One blue LED marker has been placed upon the Duke of York's phallic column at -where else- Waterloo Place.  Waterloo reminds of the Battle of Waterloo - the fall of the mighty Napoleon.

When we think of Dukes, we of course think of William.

Another one is at Paternoster Square - home of the London Stock Exchange, appropriately enough.

We should all wonder what the 3 markers truly signal...

Thanks to Deckard for the tip!


  1. Thanks for the blog again.
    Once i read a prophecy, where it speak of " when the ice melts" . I did some of research on it.
    It was written in my own language so I will try and explain. It speaks of a war, England is also mentioned in this.

    Some people in my country watch these prophecy closely. Now getting to the point; during the discussions the following came out

    1.Something to do with ice melting – we had a 10 year record cold winter 2011 – and the ice melted – nothing happened

    2.Peach rain in Namibia – this happened 2011

    3.Or ice could mean diamonds. - from my side – Last Oppenheimer - De Beers shares sold to Anglo

    Where does the UK water go when the ice melts
    Our summer has been hot !

    Just thought I will share

  2. This is eerie and I'm sure it has nothing to do with water levels not now and not in a thousand years. This has to do with the column itself, Paternoster, which in Latin means Our Father. I cannot say for sure what the blue ring is supposed to represent but to me it looks like two things: either a blue ray cutting it down, or the rings of Saturn. Either way it is supposed to alter the image of Our Father.

  3. Thanks both of you for your comments.

    Whatever it means, it certainly IS NOT about 1000 years from now but definitely give the "drowning" and "flood/noah" signals,

    Truly not sure what the rings mean but often 3 rings coincide with a circus. One of the rings is very close to Picadilly Circus, so let's watch that area until March the 4th (when the rings are to be taken down.)
