Sunday, November 20, 2011

Alvin and chip

Interestingly, when you look up "Alvin" in the etymology dictionary, do you have any idea what comes up?

It clearly states that Alvin is associated with "elf friend."

This immediately takes us back to the other Christmas film,  Arthur Christmas, as Arthur certainly was the elf's friend, wasn't he?

I really haven't mentioned this previously, but elves are very comparable to demons.

Notice above that it says:

Very much like a demon.

On another note, if you look up chipmunk and microchip, you will see that "chip" comes from the exact same source:

...both coming from the noun, chip:


  1. isn't it cynical how they imply what the chip will do to you? .. chip - WRECKED!

  2. also look what I stumbled upon:
    Not only 'munk' is an old variant of the word monk, which together with chip (which also means beam) gives the 'monk/priest of the (light?) beam' or the 'priest of the upside down cross' but it also comes, in Jewish (Ashkenazic), from the male name M(o)unka, a Czech pet form of Solomon from whom the Windsors claim they descend..

  3. Both above comments are very interesting.

    However, 'chipmunk' gets it's roots from 'chip' and 'mink', not monk.

    However, I still think your point is valid.
