Friday, July 20, 2012

The XXX theater

Here's a picture of the Aurora Century Theater I grabbed from the wires.  Notice that on the left there, are 3 X's reminding us of the XXX Olympics and the 30th birthday of one Duke of Cambridge.


  1. Thanks for this Jeff, but why is removed from the Time Line already? Isn't it good if we can reflect on the days that passed for awhile to see what transpired to see the sync?

  2. I'm not sure that's really feasible. Google works for historical events, doesn't it?

  3. Oh okay, guess I'm spoiled by this blog putting things together for me.

    Got to learn to do this stuff myself.

    Thanks for the work you put into it:)

  4. Apollo 11 landed today. The Eagl has landed (Eagle = phoenix = Dark Knight)

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